Lesson 3 of 3
In Progress

Talking with the owner in person

john September 11, 2019

Start with some small talk. The best way to get what you want from somebody is through trust, and this can’t be established if your first action is to ask them to do something for you without getting to know them a little. Relate to them, show gestures of politeness and caring by giving them a compliment and showing genuine interest in their words.

Tell them what you’re after through conversation. Slip in your objective once the two of you have had a little time to get to get to know each other, tell them your objective. What services can you provide them? Why should they care?[9]

  • Having documentation for them to follow throughout your explanation is an excellent way for you to keep their attention.
  • Ask open-ended questions. Some questions will be practical, and some will just be for clarity as you both become more comfortable with communicating with each other.

Follow up with them after the fact. If your meeting ends without a firm commitment, don’t think it means they’re not interested in your proposal. Stand out by sending a thank you email for the appointment. If your customer asked for more information, make sure you send it to them as soon as you are able.